Local City Cultures in Germany

Culture and business in Germany is something that one has to acquire a taste for. The mindsets and lifestyles are very different. This is a brief overview of the cultures I came across and how I see them.

Cologne Culture

In Cologne, everything is possible. Nothing is regarded as too complex and anything can be done. Because the team spirit is high and people bond together well. The key aspect in Cologne is whether people want to do somthing. And more importantly, if they want to do with you.

Social life in Cologne can be driven by yourself or you tag along someone else. In any case, you will always be judged by your ability to be a likeable, agreeable and humble person. You do not discuss business, you don’t show or talk about wealth. You don’t confront anyone and tell him that he is stupid or plain wrong. What you do see is that if you tag along someone and you meet someone new, you will be challenged by someone you do not know and it will be in a way that everybody can see it. How you react, how easy you remain, and who is coming to your rescue determines who you are. If you are liked, protected and part of the group, you are “in”.

If you are “in” in a certain group, most likely you will be approached by someone who wants to do something and has the name and means to do it. You are invited privately, and you are asked to share your opinions and give a joyful outlook on life and business. If you do well, you are in business. If you are coming off as arrogant, too cocky, disloyal or overstepping, you are out.

Hamburg Culture

In Hamburg culture, nobody needs to like you. People in Hamburg love to ignore you. You go into a bar and talk to a stranger, you will almost surely get that “look”, you will be assessed on how proper and accustomed you are, if you are saying the right thing. And you will be judged and the judgement will be commented. After any encounter in Hamburg, you always know what the status of your relationship is.

Chances are, if you are overly nice and friendly, people will be suspicious. If you are overly cocky and bragging, you will be appreciated publicy and forever ignored. You almost always get your audience in Hamburg and you will know who is who quite quickly. But you don’t get an audience twice.

Unless, you come again and are seen again by someone else that is important. If judgement is in your favor and you are introduced, you will have a second shot at talking to someone. This time less judged, more likely accepted. The discussion on who you are and why you are will be afterward. If you talk the talk, and walk the walk, and know the hierarchy and you are always a bit brutish but down to earth, you are welcome in Hamburg. In any case, get to the point, know your value, know when to be silent and don’t waste anyones time.

Berlin Culture

Berlin couldn’t care less about your socialite skills, or you ability to speak correctly in a situation. When you meet someone new, you are attacked. You are always an idiot and you are always at fault. It is a big deflection. First of all, you cannot be bullied. So it is easy to be too soft. Secondly, you cannot be an asshole. So you cannot shoot back strongly if you don’t know who this person is. And thirdly, it doesn’t matter. IN Berlin, it is about who you know, how long you stick around and what you ultimately contribute to the people around you. Can you do the hard work? Are you good at bullying others that are not important with superior humour? Are you loyal to Berlin and the people you hang out with? You are in.

In Berlin, nobody wants to hear your dreams. They don’t want you to assess their status and point out nuances. You stick when you stick. And when you stick, you add to the group. If you don’t know what to add. Well, then you stick around. Untill you figure something out. Untill then, you do the work.

Munich Culture

In Munich Culture, nothing much matters. Only one thing: you show what you have to show and you are where you have to be. All the time. Every time. If you have to be at Tegernsee at 6 in the morning, you are at Tegernsee. You have to be where you have to be. If you are part of the group, you can ask openly, you can demand openly, you can bully, you can judge. But if you are not part of the group, then anything you do is not for you. You have to add value and accept others taking credit for it. You have to be loyal. You have to submissive. In Munich, nobody wants to deal with common people who cannot afford to be on the lake with his own boat when it is time to do so, or you are not skiing where you are supposed to ski. Anyone who wants to achieve something and isn’t “in”, doesn’t even need to start.

Frankfurt Culture

In Frankfurt, there are no rules of socializing. You can go forever to the right places, you can meet whoever you want. In Frankfurt, nobody will ever ask for your opinion or insights. In Frankfurt, you have to shout and get attention. It is expected. If you have something that can create value for others, proclaim it out and clearly. And with all the narcissim and self-confidence that you can bring up.

As a reaction, you will essentially get no feedback. If you are in the right room, 9 out of 10 will listen carefully and see if what you have to say is right. They will all ignore you, whether it is right or wrong what you say. You can come any day again and tell a new story. Again, people will listen if you are loud. And they will judge. And they won’t say anything.

Only when you said something that was relevant. And if you come back again to brag about that you made it work, then eventually someone will actually talk to you. In private. Trying to get a large pie of the cake. Negotiating with you. Negotiating hard. Everyone walks away from the table soon as the deal is boring.


Brag like anyone in Frankfurt when you are instead in Cologne, Hamburg, Munich or Berlin, and you have a good chance of being completely ignored forever and have your reputation lost. Nobody likes this style. But in Frankfurt, you have to be loud. And you have to speak up. Nobody will ever listen to you if you don’t. And people admire people who finally let action follow their words and get successful. ANd everyone wants to make a deal when it is done.

Be social and nice like anyone in Cologne when you are in Hamburg, and you won’t be taken serious. In Berlin, they will mock you. In Frankfurt, they will ignore you altogether. And in Munich, you don’t even matter, you are a joke.

Be where you have to be like you are from Munich, and do it in Hamburg, people will think you have no home. Be like that in Cologne, people think you have no friends. Be like that in Frankfurt, and they seriously think you do not know how to use your time wisely. Do it in Berlin, and you will be a flamboyant cock in a flamboyant city. You will be an amusing entertainer.

Use the Berliner Schnauze anyonewhere else in Germany, and you are considered rude. “Stick around” anywhere else, and you are not considered of any use. You are considered lazy and submissive.

The cultures are different, and we always have to adapt.

Maybe you disagree or have more insights, please share.

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